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The Importance of Planting Trees Along Streets

Greening the Roadside: The Importance of Planting Trees Along Streets

Whenever we go outside, we always see many plants and trees on the roadside. Do you know why trees are planted on the roadside? Let’s learn about the trees planted on the roadside and how they work.

Planting trees along the roadside serves multiple significant purposes, contributing to environmental, aesthetic, and sustainable benefits. Here is a detailed explanation of why trees are commonly planted along roads:

Environmental benefits:

Air Quality Improvement: Trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and produce oxygen through photosynthesis, reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They also filter out pollutants such as particulate matter and absorb other harmful gases like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

Temperature reduction: Trees offer shade, reducing the urban heat island effect. They cool the air, creating a more comfortable environment for pedestrians and decreasing the need for air conditioning in nearby buildings.

Noise Reduction: Trees can also act as a natural barrier to absorb and deflect sound waves, reducing noise pollution from nearby roads.

There are some Ecological benefits also:

Wildlife Habitats: Roadside trees and vegetation create corridors that support diverse wildlife, providing habitats and food sources for birds, insects, and small mammals in urban and suburban areas.

Soil Erosion: Trees play an important role in preventing erosion and managing water runoff. Their root systems help stabilize soil, reduce sedimentation in water bodies, and absorb excess rainwater, thus reducing the risk of flooding and enhancing water quality.

Here is a list of Trees that must be planted on the roadside:

  • Azadirachta indica
  • Sacred Fig
  • Banyan Tree
  • Gooseberry
  • Cluster Fig
  • Teak
  • Acacia Arabica
  • Terminalia Arjuna
  • Mango
  • Saraca Asoca
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